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Stories of Hope

We’re All In This Together

John Bragg discovered Cancer Wellness Support when his wife, Deb, was diagnosed with metastatic cancer. As her carer for two years, John began counselling sessions with Vivienne (Viv) Maitland, Client Services Manager, shortly before Deb passed away. 

Viv’s deep commitment to supporting carers was clear from the beginning, as her understanding of their unique challenges comes from years of experience. John immediately felt understood and supported, with Viv seemingly always knowing what he was experiencing, what he needed, and where he was at. 

In addition to counselling, John turned to CWS for individual therapies like massage and acupuncture. Initially hesitant, as he didn’t have cancer himself, Viv reassured him that these services are available to all members, and that his wellbeing as a carer is equally important. John has found relief in these treatments, helping him manage his own health challenges.

After Deb’s passing, John joined the Metastatic Support Group, finding it to be a place where he could process his emotions, listen to stories from others, and share experiences. “When you’re caring for someone, you often avoid the deeper emotional conversations because you’re trying to protect each other. This group allows everyone to express themselves openly, with the group there to help,” says John.

To this day, John continues to attend the weekly sessions. He finds solace in sharing stories, participating in discussions, and enjoying moments of laughter and levity. Despite the weight of the topics discussed, the group brings a sense of humour, connection and support. “We’re all vulnerable, and we’re all in it together,” he reflects, appreciating the strength that comes from being part of this group.

John is grateful for the support that he and many others experience at CWS, knowing that it provides a lifeline of care, compassion, and community during some of life’s most challenging moments.

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